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Passengers with Disabilities

Supportive and Accessible

Doctor Talking to Boy in Wheelchair

Compassionate Care


As an organization, we put a lot of effort into the relationships we build with caregivers and school administrators. Together, we develop a system and process that allows us to provide the most current and proper support to meet your child’s transportation and health care needs. 

Transportation is one of the most important services a school district is required to provide to students, including those with disabilities under federal and state laws. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA is the nation’s special education law. As part of making special education and related services available to children with disabilities, IDEA defines the term “child with a disability” as the following categories: Autism, Deaf-blindness, Deafness, Developmental delay, Emotional disturbance, Hearing impairment, Intellectual disability, Multiple disabilities, Orthopedic impairment, Other health impairment, Specific learning disability, Speech or language impairment, Traumatic brain injury, and Visual impairment, including blindness.

Proud to Serve


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Our staff undergoes annual training and is provided additional access to special programs and resource material to address special needs transportation. By doing this, Chester Elite Trans LLC and it’s entire staff stay up to date with the most current and proper support to children with special transportation requirements.

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Our required training includes but is not limited to: student and behavior management, identifying and reporting cognitive concerns, behavioral issues, or emergent conditions to proper restraints, harnesses and tie-downs, wheelchair, stroller, or special seating device security, and safety seats/vests.

If your child has special transportation needs/requirements, we're equipped for that too! Learn more about our fleet and accommodations.

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